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How Does Online Couples Therapy Work?

Teletherapy isn’t necessarily new. However, it’s seen a huge rise in popularity over the last few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While we might be entering a post-pandemic society, teletherapy is still very popular and beneficial. It allows people to get the help they need from the comfort of home and can encourage vulnerability and openness. Online couples therapy has also become a popular option for romantic partners across the country. But how does it work? What can you expect when you and your partner jointly work with a therapist online?

Let’s cover some basics, so you know what to expect.

What to Expect From Online Couples Therapy

The basis of online couples therapy is the same as it is in person. Most sessions are conducted via video chat, so you can still see your therapist, read body language, and get as close to an in-person session as possible. It might take some getting used to at first, but your therapist is there to make the process as comfortable as possible.

During your first session or two, you’ll likely cover some background history about your relationship and talk about any issues you’re struggling with. Not only will this give your therapist a starting point, but it will allow everyone to feel more comfortable opening up as you dive into deeper discussions later.

Online therapy isn’t just about “venting” or sharing the problems in your relationship. That’s part of it, of course. But, you can also expect to learn the skills necessary to move forward in your relationship, heal from past hurts, and communicate effectively. Don’t be surprised if your therapist gives you homework to talk about during your next session.

Who Benefits From Online Couples Therapy?

Are there benefits to online couples therapy that you can’t get in person? It depends on your lifestyle. This type of therapy is perfect for couples with busy schedules or for those who might not feel comfortable going into a therapist’s office. It’s also great for couples who live in rural areas or don’t have easy access to a nearby therapist.

If your relationship has been struggling for a while, or you just want to feel reconnected, online therapy provides the opportunity to do so. Online therapy can also be a good option for couples who don’t live together. Maybe you’re going through a separation. Or, maybe you haven’t lived together yet and want to be on the same page before making that commitment. If you’ve been putting off therapy for any of the reasons listed above, this option helps to eliminate those issues.

How to Choose the Right Couples Therapist

Thanks to the rise in telehealth, there are countless therapists available online. With just a few clicks, you can find a couple’s therapist ready to set up an appointment right away. However, it’s important to do your research and “shop around.” It’s also okay to attend a session or two and get to know a therapist before deciding if you want to stick with them. At the end of the day, working with a therapist who is a good fit for you and your partner will make a big difference.

Working with a therapist you like will help you both feel more comfortable. It will also make it easier to establish a relationship of trust quickly, so you can start digging into the details of your relationship sooner. If you want to learn more about online couples therapy and how it can help your relationship, feel free to contact me. I’m happy to offer more information or help you set up an appointment.